IndesIA and OdiseIA present a report to promote the ethical use of data and artificial intelligence in the industry
The Association for the Promotion of the Data Economy and Artificial Intelligence in Industry (IndesIA ) and the Observatory of the Ethical and Social Impact of Artificial Intelligence (OdiseIA) have presented today at the Telefónica Foundation Space the report “The responsible use of artificial intelligence in the industrial sector.”
The publication, which has been prepared by both entities, includes different use cases when applying AI that have been launched by the companies promoting IndesIA, which is an updated guide for any organization that wants to implement this technology in its processes does so in an ethical and responsible manner.
The presentation was made at an event in which experts from both organizations agreed on the need to promote and guarantee AI that helps us build a better and more sustainable society.
Artificial intelligence has great transformative potential and therefore boosts competitiveness in companies; however, its application also poses ethical and regulatory challenges. For this reason, IndesIA, the association for the promotion of the data economy and artificial intelligence in the industry, together with OdiseIA, the Observatory of social impact of AI, have presented today at the Espacio Fundación Telefónica the report “ The use responsible for artificial intelligence in the industrial sector” , whose objective is to help Spanish companies in the industrial sector to continue maturing their adoption and governance models of this technology.
This is an updated guide for any organization that wants to apply artificial intelligence in its processes to do so in an ethical and responsible manner. To do this, it has as a basis the use cases of the IndesIA promoting companies. The report was presented at an event in which various experts agreed on the need to promote and guarantee AI that helps us build a better and more sustainable society.
The president of IndesIA, Valero Marín, was in charge of opening the event, and highlighted the transformative impact that the use of artificial intelligence will have on our society and, therefore, on people's lives. For this reason, he highlighted that “ we must guarantee that the development of artificial intelligence is carried out in accordance with ethical and regulatory principles .” Thus, he assured that " the association is promoting the responsible use of this technology", at the same time that he has appealed to "establish regulations that do not slow down the development of these tools and that are capable of generating a framework of trust that promotes their use." Between people ."
For her part, Idoia Salazar, president of OdiseIA, has warned that technology is ethically neutral, but not the use made of it, which is why she commented that “the development and/or use of Artificial Intelligence by companies and organizations , both public and private, is today a duty. But it is also important to do it responsibly, ethically and in line with European regulations on data protection and AI. OdiseIA, with its more than 200 individual and institutional partners, experts in responsible AI, positions itself as an independent association with relevant credit to raise awareness among companies of this need and help them, in a practical and realistic way, to achieve their objectives with AI as a tool, but prioritizing its responsible use.”
The responsible use of artificial intelligence in the industrial sector
After his words, Richard Benjamins, co-founder of OdiseIA and Chief AI & Data Strategist at Telefónica, highlighted the main conclusions derived from the report and stressed that “although ensuring the ethical use of AI is relevant for all sectors, its landing can involve specific nuances depending on the sector. The report presents these nuances in the industrial sector.”
For this reason, it has highlighted some principles that should govern the proper use of artificial intelligence in companies, such as data privacy and governance, responsibility, justice, transparency and explainability. He has also insisted on the need for human supervision in the application of AI and in decisions made through autonomous tools, especially those with an impact on people. For this reason, it has advocated the need to guarantee universal access to technology and work so that it is capable of offering solutions aimed at saving resources and preserving the environment.
Ethics-compliant implementation strategy
To talk about how companies promote the good use of artificial intelligence, Repsol's Chief Digital Officer, Juan José Casado; the Head of Ethics at Telefónica, Joaquina Salado; Cloud, Data & Al for Public Sector from Microsoft, Adrián González and the director of OdiselA, Juan Manuel Belloto .
Moderated by the co-director of Education at OdiselA, Rosa Romero, the experts have addressed different practical cases directly related to the responsible use of these technologies and have offered a series of guidelines and learnings for those companies that want to implement AI with an ethical and responsible approach. in the industrial sector.
In this sense, they have indicated that the first thing to take into account is that the way to adapt AI to the internal context will depend on factors such as the general maturity of the technology, the level of digital transformation of the organization or the nature of the solutions developed. The next step would be to encourage internal discussion to choose the company's list of ethical principles, in accordance with its culture and values.
On the other hand, the risk levels linked to AI activities must be understood, as well as the impact on the previously selected principles. Likewise, it is very relevant to choose the people and departments involved in the ethical initiative and plan dedicated resources for the understanding and implementation of regulatory and standardization frameworks. The next step refers to the need to design and facilitate a specific training program on AI and its ethical component, a fundamental aspect to develop knowledge and awareness within companies.
In addition, a testing environment must be established with the professionals who are part of the data and AI teams to evaluate and select responsible artificial intelligence tools. The choice of these technical tools will depend on the prior knowledge and proactivity of the technical teams and leadership. In this sense, IndesIA has provided in this report a list of tools of proven value, which will also evolve according to the development of technology.
To end the day, the director of IndesIA, Nuria Ávalos, indicated that the coming years will be decisive for Spanish companies to adopt artificial intelligence. For this reason, he insisted that " at IndesIA we are committed to public-private collaboration, to face the great challenges posed by the application of AI in organizations, both for its ability to transform the economy and for facing ethical and regulatory challenges." What does it mean ?