cAIre Project
cAIre: “Caring for vulnerable groups through AI Governance and fair AI in the work place”. We research AI governance, reimagine the future of work and strengthen pan-European digital collaboration for a positive, equitable and inclusive impact on society.
Driving AI Governance, the Future of Work and Pan-European Collaboration
It will investigate governance approaches, explore AI opportunities to support vulnerable groups, and promote collaboration between grantees of the Digital Futures Fund in Europe.
AI Governance and Opportunities for Vulnerable Groups: Research on AI governance and support for vulnerable groups.
Impact of AI on the Future of Work: Analysis of work transformation and development of educational programmes.
Pan-European Digital Collaboration: Promoting the exchange of ideas and best practices in Europe.
AI Documentation Directory
Artificial Intelligence Resource Directory on Governance and Employment Impact in the framework of OdiseIA's cAIre action (cAIre Project) we present the largest collection of reports, specialised literature, judgments, web resources, tools, guides, legislation and case law (select ‘document type’) on the topics of Artificial Intelligence Governance and Artificial Intelligence Employment Impact, as well as cybersecurity or education.
This directory is compiled by more than 60 team members from these subgroups.