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cAIre Project

cAIre: “Caring for vulnerable groups through AI Governance and fair AI in the work place”. We research AI governance, reimagine the future of work and strengthen pan-European digital collaboration for a positive, equitable and inclusive impact on society.

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Driving AI Governance, the Future of Work and Pan-European Collaboration

It will investigate governance approaches, explore AI opportunities to support vulnerable groups, and promote collaboration between grantees of the Digital Futures Fund in Europe.


  • AI Governance and Opportunities for Vulnerable Groups: Research on AI governance and support for vulnerable groups.

  • Impact of AI on the Future of Work: Analysis of work transformation and development of educational programmes.

  • Pan-European Digital Collaboration: Promoting the exchange of ideas and best practices in Europe.

AI Documentation Directory

Artificial Intelligence Resource Directory on Governance and Employment Impact in the framework of OdiseIA's cAIre action (cAIre Project) we present the largest collection of reports, specialised literature, judgments, web resources, tools, guides, legislation and case law (select ‘document type’) on the topics of Artificial Intelligence Governance and Artificial Intelligence Employment Impact, as well as cybersecurity or education.


This directory is compiled by more than 60 team members from these subgroups.

AI Governance

Documentation on AI governance initiatives, their impact on democratic processes, AI for Good initiatives and associated jurisprudence.

Employment impact

Documentation from multiple perspectives of the impact that AI has and will have on employment such as: success stories, professions of the future, inclusion and risks.


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Media coverage

Lines of work

1.1 Regulatory Assessment

Analyse AI governance in the EU and globally to identify differences and convergences.

1.4 ‘AI for Good’ initiatives

Inventory AI projects that specifically benefit vulnerable groups.

2.2 Enterprise Adoption of AI

Identify emerging jobs and tasks created by AI in key sectors.

2.5 Impact on Labour Practices

Analyse the use of AI in recruitment, evaluation and labour productivity.

2.8 AI and Cybersecurity

Study the impact of AI on cybersecurity and how to prevent possible damage.

1.2 Judicial Decisions in AI

Study EU high court rulings relevant to vulnerable groups.

1.5 Mapping Social Movements

Identify relevant NGOs and social movements in AI governance.

2.3 Recommendations for Companies

Suggest improvements in the use of AI to advance vulnerable groups in the workplace.

2.6 Advantages and Risks of AI

Identify benefits and risks of AI in the labour market, especially for vulnerable groups.

3.1 Thematic Discussions

Facilitate online thematic discussions between European beneficiaries at least three times a year.

1.3 Social Impact of AI

Assess the effects of AI on vulnerable groups and society at large.

2.1 New Tasks and Jobs

Identify emerging jobs and tasks created by AI in key sectors.

2.4 Successful Use Cases

Research positive examples of AI at work and its impact on society.

2.7 Training Needs

Assess skills needs and training strategies for AI-displaced workers.

3.2 Annual Event in Brussels

Organise a high-level meeting in Brussels with all European beneficiaries to share ideas and present outstanding proposals.

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